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Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in the blood and naturally produced in the liver. Only a small part of the cholesterol is absorbed with food. Too much Cholesterol is deposited in the blood vessels and stored in the walls of the arteries, leading to a thickening of the vessel wall so that the elasticity of the vessels is reduced, and also narrowing of the vessels (arteriosclerosis). This causes reduced blood flow in the affected vessels and leads to circulatory disorders that exhibit symptoms such as chest pain or discomfort, heart attack, stroke, pain while walking caused by the blocked vessels, tiredness.
Chinese medicine calls hyperlipidemia Phlegm. The term Phlegm referred to by hyperlipidemia is a viscous, sedative pathological product that blocks Qi and Blood circulation.
An unhealthy diet is one of the causes: due to partial eclipse, arbitrarily eating fat and thick taste or addiction to alcohol, the Spleen and Stomach are damaged, failure of transform function of Spleen causes thick turbid Phlegm retention in the body.
Aged body weakness is also an important reason: Insufficient endowment or due to ageing, Kidney Qi is declining, Kidney Yang Deficiency can not agitate the Yang of the Five Internal Organs, Fire does not produce soil, can derive Phlegm and turbid fat, Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency can breed Internal Heat and Phlegm is brewed by burning Jin.
It is the most common pattern, symptom: overweight (obese).
High Cholesterol, weight gaining, tiredness, cold feeling, can be also seen in menopause.
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