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The term urinary dysfunction refers to the difficult or partially incomplete emptying of the bladder, the rare leakage of urine and involuntary loss of urine (incontinence). They can be caused by urinary tract infections and prostate diseases, inflammations, stones, changes in vessels, malformations and scars in the area of the urinary tract as well as nerve and heart diseases, along with medication.
The physiological function of the Bladder is to store and excrete urine. The urinary Bladder’s function of storing and urinating depends on Chinese Medicine on Kidney Qi and Yang. If Kidney dysfunctions, the Bladder will malfunction and there will be unfavourable or closed urination, as well as frequent urination, urgency, enuresis. Therefore, the lesions of the Bladder are mostly related to the Kidney and clinical treatment of abnormal urine is by treating the Kidney.
Frequent, copious or scanty, clear urine, incontinence or nocturia, urge to urinate increases with exposure to cold, cold and pain in the lower abdomen, low back pain.
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