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Everyone knows a phase in life when you are sad and can’t be happy about anything. Certain signs indicate that it is a serious mental illness, a depression, and not only a temporary phase: a depressed mood, suffer from loss of interest and joylessness, exhaustion and lacking in drive, persist over a longer period. They affect central life functions and can lead to sleep disorders, concentration problems, loss of appetite and libido and can even develop into physical symptoms such as pain, stomach pressure or headaches.
If the thyroid gland produces too few hormones, this is called hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are energy suppliers for many body cells, therefore a lack of these hormones slows down the metabolic processes in the body. Possible causes of hypothyroidism are Hashimoto thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland), removal of the thyroid gland or radiotherapy, iodine deficiency (needed for the formation of thyroid hormones), medication or drugs. The symptoms are typically rather unspecific and can be more or less pronounced: lack of drive, sleep disturbances, hair loss, constipation, weight gain, tiredness, general physical exhaustion, muscle weakness, depressive mood.
In men, testosterone deficiency reduces libido and penile sensitivity. Chronic diseases such as chronic kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, etc. can reduce the sexual desire in men, as well as depression and other psychological causes.
Erectile Dysfunction (impotence) means that the penis becomes flaccid again after a short time or does not become stiff at all during an erection. Although sexual desire is often still present, satisfying sex is often no longer possible. Men of all ages can be affected, but potency problems increase with age. With increasing age, the probability increases that organic causes are the trigger of impotence. Next to diseases like diabetes or vascular problems, there can be psychological causes. If the erection fails once or only occasionally, reasons for this can be stress or tiredness.
The beginning or end of a relationship or major life changes, such as pregnancy, menopause or illness, can cause a woman’s sexual desire (libido) to naturally fluctuate. It is true that not every sexual pause means that one’s sexuality is disturbed. However, if the listlessness, pain or other problems in sexuality occur in the long term and cause suffering, women should react urgently. One reason for low libido can be a lack of male hormones in the female hormone balance, caused by taking contraceptives or due to menopause. In rare cases, various kidney and heart diseases, diabetes, depression and the taking of medication can reduce sexual desire. Being concerned by your lack of sexual activity or fantasies, having no interest in sexual activity or no sexual fantasies at all are symptoms of low libido.
Many young women in particular, have sometimes severe symptoms before or at the beginning of their menstruation, which is called “premenstrual syndrome” (PMS). Strong hormonal changes and other physical processes around the menstrual period are the cause, but in most women, these decrease over the years. Possible physical symptoms include for example headaches and chest tightness, abdominal pain, circulation problems, weight gain, oedema and indigestion. Psychological symptoms include lack of concentration, exhaustion, listlessness, hypersensitivity, irritability and mood swings.
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