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breathlessness on exertion

Diseases that can cause this symptom:


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HIV stands for “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”, the pathogen that weakens the human immune system. Infection with HIV most often occur during unprotected sexual intercourse or through HIV-infected blood. Failure to treat HIV infection means that at a certain point in time the body will no longer be able defend itself against other infectious pathogens and falls seriously ill with normally harmless diseases. This condition is then called “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome” (AIDS). People with AIDS often suffer from pneumonia and fungal diseases.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are caused usually by bacteria (E.coli), that enter the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. They are commonly happen in the urethra and bladder, bacteria can also travel up the ureters and infect your kidneys.

A urinary tract infection causes the lining of the urinary tract to become red and irritated (inflammation). The most common symptoms of a UTI are: pain and discomfort, typically in the lower back, abdomen and pelvic pain, pain when urinating, fever, feeling an urge to urinate frequently, abnormal urine color (cloudy urine) and strong or foul-smelling urine.

Most UTIs go away after treatment with antibiotics. However, some people develop chronic UTIs, which don’t go away after treatment or keep recurring.

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