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Treats the following symptoms:

(1 customer review)


大黄片 / Da Huang Pian

Rhubarb is used to treat gastrointestinal heat, lack of fluid and dry stool. The Dryness of the Intestine is caused by overeating spicy, greasy and fatty food, which leads to excessive Yang and burning of Yin; or after a fever, the remaining Heat stays in the Stomach and Intestine and consumes the fluid. Rhubarb is most suitable for constipation with dry and hard stool caused by Dryness and Stagnation. Discontinue therapy when it becomes effective.

However, it contains strong laxative herbs that break down the Stagnation, so it is not suitable for regular usage for those who are old, weak and have Blood Deficiency. If it is pure constipation caused by Blood Deficiency, it should not be used. Pregnant women should not use it.

Used to combat these diseases:


Constipation can severely impair the quality of life of those affected: Defecation is difficult and painful – the faeces are usually hard and can only be excreted in small portions...

1 review for Rhubarb

  1. ruan le roux (verified buyer)

    Gentle relief for my children. Would recommend

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