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Indigestion is a collective term for complaints of the digestive organs. In most cases, the causes are harmless, such as eating too fast or eating spicy, greasy and fatty foods. Sometimes the reason for indigestion is to be found in rather serious illnesses like inflammation of the stomach, ulcers, pancreas inflammation, intestinal blockage or reduced blood flow in the intestine. Symptoms of indigestion may be felt occasionally or as often as daily. Common symptoms are stomach aches, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, heartburn, acid reflux and fatigue.
Chinese medicine believes that Spleen and Stomach play the main role in completing the digestion and absorption of the diet. Indigestion is mainly due to the failure of Spleen and Stomach function. Since the digestion process also requires help from Liver Qi, the dysfunction of the Spleen, Stomach and Liver is the most common cause of indigestion. Overeating can also damage the Spleen and Stomach, leading to accumulation of food. High life pressure result in Liver Qi Stagnation, and further blocks Spleen function. Depression can also lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, forming Dampness, Heat, Phlegm or Blood Stasis which blocking the Spleen and Stomach.
When there is Spleen Qi Deficiency, it fails to transform and transport, causing indigestion, distension after eating, poor appetite, loose stools and fatigue.
above symptoms:
+ increased stomach fullness: Stomach Tonic
+ increased tiredness: Four Gentlemen Formula
+ prolaps of organs, athrophy of stomach membrane: Arouse Center Qi